The Tiamo Resort Safety & Cleanliness Council was created to tackle the realities of the COVID-19pandemic and further advance the company's prevention efforts. The Council is focused on developing the next level of global hospitality cleanlinessstandards, norms, and behaviors that are designed to minimize risk and enhancesafety for our community.

The Council is focused on more than just disinfection across the resort; they are providing a holistic approach designed to take careof all who pass through our doors. We are setting a higher bar of safety andcleanliness, so you can enjoy more peace of mind when you travel


Team Member:

Team members are currently and will continue to go through daily temperature scans before entering the property and asked toanswer a series of screening questions about any current symptoms and recentexposure to COVID-19 infected individuals. Contractors and suppliers are alsosubject to health screening before being granted access to Tiamo Resorts facilities.


We ask that guests follow a similar self-screening protocol prior to arriving and during your stay. If you have reason to believeyou may have been exposed to the virus, we strongly urge you to stay at homeand follow CDC guidelines for self-quarantine. We look forward to welcoming youonce the self-quarantine period is complete.

If you develop symptoms during your stay, we have protocols in place and access to medical professionals to assist

Bahamas COVID 19 Travel Protocol



Team members will receive comprehensive training on new health and safety protocols,on proper wearing of PPE when on property, and reinforced training on the importanceof frequent handwashing, disinfection, and observing physical distancingguidelines.

This measure of protection will remain in effect per CDC guidelines, and localhealth directives, or until the COVID-19 virus is no longer a critical risk. TiamoResort encourages guests to wear masks in public areas, and, in certaincircumstances, required if 6-foot distancing cannot be maintained.

Hand washing and sanitizing stations with no less than 60% alcohol-based have alsobeen added throughout the resort.

Ther eare signage reminders to guide and remind our team members and guests of theenhanced protocols such as washing hands, coughing and sneezing etiquette, andavoiding touching their faces


Guests will be advised to practice physical distancing by standing at least 6-feet/2-meters away from other groups of people not traveling with them,including any area where guests or team members queue. Floor guides and signagewill serve as reminders throughout the resort for appropriate physicaldistancing, and where possible, encourage one-way guest flow with markedentrances and exits.

From time-to-time, 6-foot Distancing will be challenging—in those cases; reasonablemitigating protocols will be implemented.


Our community safety, health, and well-being is our #1priority. For nearly 11 years, Tiamo Resort has adhered to the highest standards of cleanliness and safety protocols. Our resort is always rigorouslycleaned and sanitized every day. But now more than ever, our existingindustry-leading practices are being enhanced to include several pre-emptive disinfectingmeasures, assuring guests the peace of mind to enjoy their vacation with theutmost confidence.

These enhanced procedures meet or exceed recommendations from CDC, WHO, and BMH. Following their guidelines, we havealready increased the amount of deep cleaning, with a focus on high-touchsurfaces in common-areas. We will continue using EPA-approved hospital-gradedisinfectants for use and effectiveness against coronaviruses, bacteria, andother infectious pathogens. Electrostatic sprayers will be used in many of ourareas to allow us to apply disinfectants more effectively



We are reimagining several aspects of the guest experience through technology to help safeguard the health and well-being ofour guests.

Express Check-In

The most convenient way to check-in is as easy as reaching for your smartphone. Tiamo Resort is putting the arrival experienceinto the hands of our guests, enabling them to expedite the check-in processthemselves.

Guests can confirm their arrival time, add payments,and verify their ID all before setting foot in the Resort. Once a room has beenassigned and is ready for check-in, guests receive a text notification. When aguest arrives, they simply show their QRcode at the front desk, and theey areescorted to the accommodation or room.

QR Codes for Guest Info

In keeping with COVID-19 safety measures to reduce thenumber of surfaces that may come into contact with the virus and further ourenvironmental efforts to reduce paper waste. We have guest info on dailyactivities, programs, and restaurant info available via in room’ Tablet.

Innovative DisinfectionTechnologies

Tiamo Resort added new technologies, likeelectrostatic sprayers – which use an electrostatically charged high-gradedisinfecting mist. Through the electrostatic process, the disinfectant isemitted as charged droplets that are actively attracted to surfaces for fullwrap-around disinfectant coverage


Tiamo Resort has many protocols in place aimed atreducing the chance of a COVID-19 outbreak at our resort and effective containmentshould there be a case or suspected case. In the unfortunate event, a guest orteam member tests positive for the virus, we will activate established incidentresponse protocols to ensure the infected individual is isolated and has promptaccess to medical treatment. Any exposed areas will be extensively cleaned anddisinfected. Contact tracing is part of the protocol, so if a suspected orconfirmed case does occur, we will notify the Surveillance Unit of BMH. Tiamo 'management are trained to respond quickly in the event of an incident

learnmore about our


Enhanced safety and cleanliness protocols have beendeveloped for every aspect of our resort. Some areas will have more specificprotocol requirements than others. However, these general protocolsapply resort-wide



·      PersonalProtective Equipment (PPE): withfew exceptions, masks will be worn at all times, which is consistent with CDCguidance and local health directives.

·      Sanitizingand Disinfecting: properhandwashing procedures will be done frequently throughout the day. If soap andwater are not available, team members will use no less than 60% alcohol-basedhand sanitizer.

·      PhysicalDistancing and Contact Free Greetings: team members will practice physical distancing andcontact-free greetings.

·      COVID-19Safety and Health Training: allteam members will receive enhanced training on COVID-19 safety and healthprotocols.


·      Handsanitizing stations will be placed in prominent guest contact areas such ashotel bar, restaurant, meeting spaces, landings, and retail entrances.

·      Guestsare encouraged to wear masks in all public areas. Guests may be required towear masks when 6-foot physical distancing cannot be maintained.

·      COVID-19health and physical distancing signage will be placed throughout the property.

·      Teammembers will receive comprehensive instructions on how to respond to potentialcases of COVID-19 infection on property, following local and CDC healthguidelines, and how to provide support to guests in addressing health concerns



·      Guests will be asked to practice safe physical distancing (standing at least 6 feet/2meters apart) from other guests while moving around the property.

·      , outdoorattractions, Bar and restaurant, boat, dock, and other areas, a queue may form.Floor markers will help indicate proper spacing.

·      Whenphysical distancing guidelines cannot be maintained, plexiglass barriers orother alternatives will be used for the safety of our guests and team members.

·      Physicallayouts will be arranged to provide for appropriate distancing (in restaurants,lobbies, pool decks, bar) where feasible.

·      Restaurantsand bars will reduce seating capacities to allow for a minimum of 6 feet/2meters between each seated group.



·      Electrostaticsprayers and the highest classification of disinfectants recommended by the CDCand WHO to sanitize and disinfect surfaces throughout the resort.

·      Deepcleaning with increased frequency of disinfection on high contact areas (e.g.,handrails, door handles, push plates, light switches, any buttons, countertops,basins, toilets, faucets, restroom stalls and stall doors, lobby, desks, andhallways).

·      Meetingand convention spaces, restaurants, bars, retail outlets, pools, gym center, Spa, , guest activities, will have area-specific cleaning anddisinfection guidelines and protocols that meet or exceed resort-wideprotocols.

·      Thefrequency of cleaning and disinfecting will be increased in high traffic backof house areas with an emphasis on team member entrances, cafeterias, lockerrooms, team member restrooms, loading docks, offices, and kitchen.



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We wantyou to have confidence when you check into a room, that it has been cleaned anddisinfected using the latest in technology and most potent, but safe,solutions.

Our newly enhanced standards and protocols willinclude:

·      Minimizingthe number and frequency of attendants entering guest's room during their stayto protect both our guests and team members.

·      Declutterpaper amenities such as pens, paper, brochures, and guest directory, supplementwith digital versions on Tablet or available upon request

·      COVID-19health and physical distancing signage will be placed throughout the property.

·      Guestroom attendants will wear masks and gloves while cleaning each room and washinghands and changing gloves between each guest room.

·      Trainingon cleaning and disinfection for guest room attendants, with an emphasis onsequence of service and allowing required dwell times for all disinfectantsolutions to effectively kill the virus.

·      Guestroom rotation plan that allows enough time for proper air circulation afterguests check out.

Guestroom cleaning touch points 

Adherenceto a triple check cleaning system:

·      Coffee& Tea Stations: including ice buckets, refrigerator,

·      Mini-bar : Refile on request only to minimize  the human contact

·      Switches& Climate Control Panels: lights, lamps, switches, and climate controlpanels

·      AllCloset Accessories: includingsafe and luggage racks

·      AirDuct: disinfection for each arrival

·      HardSurfaces: doors,tables, nightstands, furniture, all handles and knobs

·      BathroomSurfaces: counters,toilet seats and handle, splash walls, shower/tub controls, sinks and faucets.

·      BathAmenities: toiletries,amenity tray, tissue boss, mirror and hairdryer

·      AllElectronics & Phones: Phonesremote control, handsets, dial pads, and function buttons

·      Beddingand Towels: bedcovers, linens, pillowcases and sheets changed on request during your stay.

·      Carpeting& Floors: swept,vacuumed and disinfected daily.

·      ElectrostaticSprayer: disinfectantemitted to surfaces for full-Wrap around coverage to defend against the virus

·      Housekeepingservice during your stay :you can ask not to have a service by preference